"Es realmente una enseñanza muy clara y poderosa. Espero que puedas tener otra sesión algún día, quiero compartir con mi iglesia y amigos.
Heng (Singapur)
Well, Organized! Every word and interaction were helpful in the sessions
John P (Mysore)
I found many mistakes which I was making just because of wrong teaching and information.
"Estas enseñanzas en grupos pequeños me han ayudado a ser más receptivo y a comprender muchas cosas pequeñas pero importantes que generalmente se pasan por alto. Pudimos discutir conceptos cruciales y formas prácticas que de otra manera no recibirían atención en grupos más grandes o reuniones generales. Muy agradecido por estas sesiones y los esfuerzos desinteresados de todo el equipo. La creación de Dios. Recuerde que seremos responsables algún día".
Each topic was well researched, covered in detail and from various angles. Questions and doubts were encouraged, addressed and cleared very well. The sessions have inspired and given me more confidence and boldness to share the Gospel, as well as edified myself. These sessions are a must-do for every believer!
Enlightened by truth , eye opener. It helped me personally to overcome my struggles(cuz I was blinded by lies of the enemy), also got me closer to God. Testimony - I've been struggling from gastritis from past 5 months, taking medicines cured temporary.( I avoided eating food ) During the personal ministry of gifts ( gift of serving) As Rebecca laid her hand on my belly , In vision i saw , solid hard capsule (those were nothing but traumas, hurt , betrayal, rejections, abdonment, disappointments All though I could forgive people but i couldn't let go of experience, it kept haunting me. Eventually I kept carrying it everyday)with God's power penetrating it , shattered into pieces. I've felt revived , relieved most importantly i felt like a healthy person feeling fresh , I had no issues of gastritis. I could eat well . And whenever I met or spoke to the people who did me wrong , I never felt those hurts , pains , rejections, disappointments . I felt free and I spoke to them with love and joy. Praise God.
Jennifer G
Module 4 was really interesting dealing with ministry and root cause analysis. It was intense I enjoyed learning about it!
John Joel
"Fue muy alentador para mí... ya que me dio una mejor perspectiva para hablarle a la gente acerca de Jesús... pude reconocer la obra del Espíritu Santo... reforzó mi deseo de hacerlo mejor para Jesús".
Ana (Bombay)
"Antes de asistir a esta sesión, tuve muchos malentendidos al compartir el evangelio. Siempre pensé que era mi desempeño. Pero estas sesiones de Portadores de luz en realidad me ayudaron a desaprender muchas cosas. Es todo de él y no de nosotros, solo tenemos que rendirnos y tener el deseo de difundir la buena noticia para que muchos como nosotros se salven de la muerte eterna. por favor, da un paso al frente y usa las habilidades que Dios te ha dado para salvar".
All my questions were answered. Experiencing God more closure to my Heart... Rejoicing to see how I turn to be a blessing in other women's life, which is very evident. All my fear of the future , confusion, and unforgiving heart changed... My heart was overwhelmed with tear and true joy, knowing my actual purpose from my past purposeless life. Thanks to Pastor John and Gem team and Adonia Church... This thanks is from my heart with love bcoz I once was lost, but now I'm found. Lots of Love to GEM team... God Bless.... My hunger for Knowing God has increased all the more after GEM.
"Las sesiones fueron realmente buenas, me ayudaron a comprender el amor de Dios y Su voluntad en mi vida. Ampliaron mi comprensión para difundir el evangelio del corazón de Dios".
The clarity with which the points were explained and it was all Biblical - Sheela
Sheela (Bangalore)
"Ayuda en términos de ser agudo para compartir el Evangelio, también ayudó a meterse en argumentos innecesarios al compartir el Evangelio y motivar"
Truly insightful, learnt a lot from all the sessions. Truly recommend every believer to attend. Powerful teaching!!
Roshan Samuel
Attending these Equipping Sessions are vital for a believer in Jesus Christ. It gives you direction and purpose and most of all it Equips you to move in God's will for your life
Carol (Mumbai)